= Mellow funky groove + キラキラ輝くサウンド + 甘く切ない魂の歌
= City Pop & J-Groove
Lovefunkyは、東京青山発のsinger, songwriter, producer and performer
お洒落なCity Pop、心地よいJ-Groove、Lovefunkyは新しいジャンルを創出し、発信しています
iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify, Line Music 等、あらゆる音楽サイトでダウンロードやストリーミングができますので、是非、聴いてみてください
Instagram、YouTubeのLovefunky Channel、Facebook、Twitterも開始しましたので、是非、リンクから飛んで頂き、フォローして頂けると嬉しいです
また、2019年1月より、FM Yokohama(84.7) にて、毎週金曜日 深夜25:30AMから30分間、Lovefunky Raydio という番組を、DJ Dragonさんもお迎えして放送します。Radikoも有効活用して、是非、聴いてください
Lovefunky Official Blogの頁で、最新情報を紹介していきます
Stay tuned and enjoy the ride with Lovefunky 💫I
Lovefunky is a singer, songwriter, producer and performer.
He creates mellow, groovy, shiny sounds and sings aspirational songs from his heart.
He is creating a new genre, City Pop and J-Groove
From Aoyama Tokyo to the world, he will inspire all the young and young at heart who love music.
He releases a new song every month:
You can listen to Lovefunky in iTunes, Spotify, Line Music, as well as most of the music sites in Japan and across the globe.
You can also preview his performance in Lovefunky Channels in YouTube.
Together with DJ Dragon, he has started a new radio program at FM Yokohama (84.7) from January 2019, every Friday late night from 25:30AM. Please enjoy it live, or by Radiko Apps.
Please click on the icons in this page, and visit his YouTube channels, as well as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Your “registration” on the Lovefunky Channels, as well as “follows” in Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, are highly appreciated.
Stay tuned, and enjoy the ride with Lovefunky.
Please go to the Lovefunky Official Blog page for latest information✨